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To aspire

I agonised over using the phrase “aspiring writer” in the sub-heading for this blog.  After all, I wouldn’t want anyone to think that I think I’m actually any good at writing.  I don’t want them to think that I’m trying to be the next J K Rowling.  Maybe it would be better to describe myself as a “novice writer” or a “hopeful writer”.

In the end, I ignored the voice in my head and went with “aspiring writer”.  I like the way it sounds.

To Aspire…

“direct one’s hopes or ambitions towards achieving something” (

When I looked up what to aspire actually meant, I realised that I am an aspiring writer.  I do want to achieve something with my writing.  I want to turn my ideas into actual finished stories.  I want to adopt and improve writing routines.  I want to maintain my creativity and feel inspired every day.  I want to make peace with my inner critic and feel more comfortable in sharing my writing.  I want to get better at writing all the time.

Of course there is part of me that would love to hit upon a bestseller.  That would love to be able to tell people that I write books for a living.  But that is not how I choose to measure my success.  Even if no one ever reads a word I write, I will still be an aspiring writer and a successful writer so long as I continue to work towards meeting my own personal writing goals.